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Covid-19 February 2022 Changes


In response to the 2/28/2022 Illinois and Chicago update for mask and vaccine mandates, White Glove has revised our Covid response to the following:


Masks will be worn as required by the listing or by what is asked for and required by you (the agent, the client, or the homeowner).

Masks are still recommended to be worn by all parties who attend the inspection.

White Glove is asking that everyone respect the CDC and IL recommended personal boundary area.

An inspector is a vital part of the real estate transaction. In response to COVID-19, White Glove has adopted the InterNACHI and IEMA recommended standards for continuing to provide high-quality inspections and services while still being prudent, safe, and taking precautions in accordance with government recommendations and orders. Remember, that the conditions and situation from COVID-19 is changing constantly.

The White Glove client care team are all working remotely. To make sure we do not miss any updates or important information we recommend you call us directly.


Again, we appreciate your support and assistance. Your help allows White Glove team members to remain healthy and safe. Which continues to allow them to perform inspections for you. Your cooperation is for you and all concerned.

Thank you!

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